Upload Help

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File Type

Upload files must be in comma-separated values (CSV) format. Commas in your upload file must only be used as field separators. Your CSV file should have a header row that includes the title of each column.


Upload Templates

Budget or Actual Upload

Each record must be in the following order:

  • Fund
  • Location
  • Program Year
  • Program
  • Balance Sheet
  • Revenue
  • Function
  • Object
  • Description
  • Amount
Revenue/Other Financing Example
Fund Location Program Year Program Balance Sheet Revenue Function Object Desription Amount
10 14 2023 5 1510 Interest on Investments 162.74
Expenditure Example
Fund Location Program Year Program Balance Sheet Revenue Function Object Desription Amount
10 14 2023 5 1000 131 Teacher Salary 4052.16
Balance Sheet Example
Fund Location Program Year Program Balance Sheet Revenue Function Object Desription Amount
10 2023 8111 Cash 1841035.39

Indirect Cost Rate Proposal Upload

Each record must be in the following order:

  • Fund
  • Function
  • Object
  • Description
  • Amount

Errors and How to Fix

When uploading your financial information to UPEFS, it is common to receive validation errors. All errors must be cleared before the system will allow your LEA to certify your financial information. It is recommended to start your upload to check for errors as early before the due date as possible.

Code Errors

The value "__" used on line __ is not a valid __ code nor is it mapped to a valid __ code

All LEAs must either use USBE approved account codes or map to approved USBE codes. If you receive an error of this type, there is a code in your upload that is either not a USBE approved code or has not been mapped to an approved USBE account code in the UPEFS Mapping Management tool. You will either need to map this code in the UPEFS Mapping Management tool or provide a different code in your upload file. Valid codes can be found on the USBE Chart of Accounts website.

Code Combination Errors

The values “__(__)/__(__)/__(__)” used on line __ are not a valid __/__/__ combination

To assist with data quality, the USBE maintains code combination rules which are combinations allowable for use in your upload. To view the current combination rules, please click the View Rules Report button on the UPEFS Home page.

If you receive an error of this type, a particular combination of codes you used is not a valid combination of codes available in the UPEFS Rules Report. For example, your upload file may have a depreciation expense coded to a governmental fund, or an instructional expense coded to a debt service fund.

It is not uncommon for a particular combination to be allowable according to reason or GAAP, yet not established as allowable in UPEFS. If you believe this to be the case, please contact us and we will be happy to research the combination and either set it up in the system for your use or recommend an alternative combination.

The error code should be interpreted as USBE(LEA)/USBE(LEA)/USBE(LEA). If you have active code mappings set up in the UPEFS Mapping Management tool of your account, the USBE code as shown in the error will display which USBE code the LEA code in the upload has been mapped to.

Balance Sheet Errors

Fund __ balance does not match (Revenues - Expenditures) + 20X1 Fund Balance

UPEFS will compare your prior year ending fund balance plus the current year net change in fund balance to your current year reported fund balance (balance sheet). If you are receiving this error, there is a discrepancy in this reconciliation. This could be the result of many things, but you will want to check that the prior year ending fund balance is correct, current year revenues are not over/understated, current year expenditures are not over/understated, and current year fund balances are accurate.

For assistance with this error, please contact us and we will be happy to try and help. On occasion, the current year figures are correct and USBE staff will be required to make prior year UPEFS adjustment which can only be completed on our side.


Q. How do I update my previous upload?

A. If you have yet to certify your upload, simply upload your new data. Your new upload will overwrite your prior upload. If your file has been certified, please reach out to your UPEFS representative and we will decertify the file for you. At that time, you will be able to upload a new file which will overwrite your previous upload.

Q. I don’t see a code combination available in the Rules Report, but I believe it is a valid code combination. Why is this particular code combination not allowed?

A. It is not uncommon for a particular combination to be allowable according to reason or GAAP, yet not established as allowable in UPEFS. If you believe this to be the case, please contact us and we will be happy to research the combination and either set it up in the system for your use or recommend an alternative combination.

Q. Do I need to notify anyone that my file has been certified?

A. No. USBE staff will automatically be notified of the file and will reach out to you with any questions or concerns.

Q. How do I review my data before submitting/certifying?

A. The best way to review your submission before certification is to download the AFR and APR report and compare them to your internal statements.

Q. What is the difference between a budget or actual upload and an indirect cost rate proposal upload?

A. The budget or actual upload will populate the AFR and APR. The indirect cost rate proposal upload will populate a schedule in the UPEFS Indirect Cost Rate Proposal tool.

Q. Where can I find the approved USBE Chart of Accounts?

A. The USBE Chart of Accounts are updated annually.

Q. Who should I contact if I am having issues with my upload?

A. Please contact School Finance anytime and one of our analysts will be glad to help.

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